Clone-CustomAttributes using PowerCLI

by Grzegorz Kulikowski

There is nothing to explain i guess in this function. Just copies the definitions of custom attributes between 2 virtual center servers. It expects that you are connected to both virtual centers.
[sourcecode language=”powershell”]
Function Clone-CustomAttributes
Copies custrom attributes used for annotations , just the definitions.

Copies custrom attributes used for annotations , just the definitions.

Specify the Virtual Center from which it will download the custom attributes.

.PARAMETER destinationVC
Specify the Virtual Center to which it will apply the custom attribues.

Specify for which kind of attributes this list will be generated: VirtualMachine,ResourcePool,
Folder,VMHost,Cluster,Datacenter. Global is not included in this version.

PS C:\> Clone-CustomAttributes -sourceVC ‘’ -destinationVC ‘’ -TargetType ‘VirtualMachine’
Will create the custom attribute definitions for type VirtualMachine which belong to VC01 on VC02.

NAME: Export-CustomAttributes

AUTHOR: Grzegorz Kulikowski

NOT WORKING ? #powercli @



$SourceCustomAttr = @{}
#I have special filter not to much some names, as i do not wan’t them on my new VC Instance.
Get-CustomAttribute -Server $sourceVC -TargetType $targetType | ? {$_.Name -notmatch "PnC|vrm|FA.|Xd"} | % { $SourceCustomAttr+=@{$_.Key=$_.Name}}
Foreach ($CustomAttribute in $SourceCustomAttr.GetEnumerator())
New-CustomAttribute -Name $CustomAttribute.Value -TargetType $targetType -Server $destinationVC

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