So the 2012 Scripting Game have finished. Final results were presented. As for me i finished on 24th place. There were 373 participants in the beginner section. Although i did not win (hahahahahaha 😉 ) i still think that it was fun to participate in this event. You were given real life challenges. While studying even those “pretty simple” tasks i learned a lot of new tricks that are really helpful. I will post my sg2012 solutions later. Everybody should try this event, i know for sure that in next year i will try again, but i will try to do the advanced ones. Judges were most of the time ok. 70% of them were very helpful, 30% of them should not participate again in this event as judges, as they are destroying the fun. I will not say anything new, as everybody says that judging script without the comment is really ……….. i learned a lot from judges who pointed out my mistakes in the script. That is really helpful because you will remember that mistake for a long time. Sometimes you just do not understand why your script is not rated 5 stars… that’s really annoying when you do not know what did you wrong, or if 1 judge gives you 3, and other judge gives you 5 and says that;s the fastest execution… like in my solution below.
Still, it was great opportunity to learn powershell, i already can say that it helped me a lot in using it with vmware cmdlets.So if you will be feeling bored next year, make sure you will enroll to this event !