I described one way of getting this report in earlier post. If you want to use it as a function… there you go 😉
You can always use get-help greg-get-annotations , if you are in powershell session and want to check the syntax etc..
Report will also include the normal notes section. I’ve tested it in some environments, for example it took 38 sec to complete it in VI where there was ~1500vms, including creation of the csv.
[sourcecode language=”powershell”]
function greg-get-annotations {
Greg-get-annotations function stores information about annotation fields for vms in given
cluster or in all clusters in VC. It stores the result in an arraylist $vms, you can either create
a csv report from this object or display it on screen
greg-get-annotations |export-csv -NoTypeInformation c:\file1.csv will export it to csv file etc…
greg-get-annotations |format-table VMname,Cluster,CreatedOn,Notes will just display on screen a table with
annotations that include : vm name, its cluster and field "CreatedOn" and Notes
.PARAMETER clustername
Specifies the clustername against wchi report will be built
greg-get-annotations -clustername ‘cluster01’|Export-Csv c:\annotation-report.csv
Will procude report on vms that resides in ‘cluster01’ and store it in csv file
greg-get-annotations -clustername ‘cluster01’|ft *
Will procude report on vms that resides in ‘cluster01’ output it to screen
greg-get-annotations |Export-Csv c:\annotation-report.csv
Will procude report on vms that resides in all clusters and output it to screen
Without specified -clustername switch, it will do report regarding all clusters in VC
AUTHOR: Grzegorz Kulikowski
LASTEDIT: 05/30/2011
param ([string]$clustername)
if(!($clustername)){$clusters=Get-Cluster}else{$clusters=Get-Cluster $clustername}
$VMs=New-Object Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($cluster in $clusters) {
foreach ($vmview in (get-view -ViewType VirtualMachine -SearchRoot $cluster.id)) {
$vm=New-Object PsObject
Add-Member -InputObject $vm -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMname -Value $vmview.Name
Add-Member -InputObject $vm -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Notes -Value $vmview.Config.Annotation
Add-Member -InputObject $vm -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Cluster -Value $cluster.Name
foreach ($CustomAttribute in $vmview.AvailableField){
Add-Member -InputObject $vm -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $CustomAttribute.Name -Value ($vmview.Summary.CustomValue | ? {$_.Key -eq $CustomAttribute.Key}).value
return $VMs
Add-Member -InputObject $vm -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Notes -Value $vmview.Config.Annotation