Migrating virtual center to another virtual center

by Grzegorz Kulikowski

!!! WARNING !!!

Gents, please do not treat this as a ready-to-go solution, you would have to understand the contents, in order how to apply this. Destroying your production is that last thing i want.
I had to write this to recover a VC after a major bug/failure. I had to create another VirtualCenter in order to fix the issue. The main goal of this script is to move ‘everything’ i had in the old virtual center server to the new one.

DVS is not supported here at this moment

Before you comment this, yes, i know that there are already some software/script for doing this, but in my opinion they were not doing everything or not in the way i wanted to do it. That’s why i created this.
This is not completed ! I have tested it numerous times on dev platforms, for me it was working. The only part which is not here is the cluster configs and dvs. Script will not configure your virtual center, but just the ‘content’ including, folder (of any kind), dc, clusters, vapps. The placements + permissions. The annotations are written in previous posts as well as roles.
I know it’s messy, yes… Although i think i will not spend more time on this, unless i will have to do so. I just hope that it might help for people that had similar task to do, and they were lacking some features in their clone of virtual center.
I DO NOT GUARANTEE THE RESULTS OF THE SCRIPT. Gents, please test this first in your test/dev environments. I have been running this script at least 600-800 times, until i was happy with the outcome, where it worked for me. Please have in mind it will not take into consideration on DVS setup. I’ve come up with 2 solutions for dvs, but never implemented it in it. I have decided to write this on my own mainly to test myself if i am able to do so. There might be better ways of doing it(100% sure of that 😉 ). I have put some comments in the script so you can know what to expect at which moment, the execution of this script is divided in many parts. It’s because i never got to 100% with this script i left myself spots to understand where it can go wrong.
I am sorry in some way that i did not explain this entirely, but i would have spend serious amount of hours on that…
I will have to check if i have posted the role-cloning script on blog, because this is something that is expected to be in place for this to work.

For the vapps part :

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