Polish VMware User Group 2014 May 13th

by Grzegorz Kulikowski

I have just got back from Poland where i had a pleasure to give a session about PowerCLI. ‘PowerCLI in examples’ was the subject of the session.
I am really glad that people liked it. I am really ‘proud’ that i actually managed by this session to encourage people to start using PowerCLI. Had few people came over after session to discuss few things. Basically what i noticed (already said that during session) that most of the questions people had was because ‘problems’ around Powershell and not PowerCLI. Let me repeat then myself. In order to really take what PowerCLI has to offer, a minimum requirement of ‘basic’ Powershell knowledge is a must. Of course, you will be able to do ‘stuff’ even without knowing Powershell, it’s just that you will not understand why things are happening. I have also said, that you should not do it as i did as i have wasted few years while ignoring Powershell. It is really not that hard to sacrifice a week or two in order to get some understanding of Powershell. You will notice benefits right away while working with PowerCLI, once you understand why things are working this way and not in other way.
Many thanks go to the organizers for inviting me to the meeting, and for the atmosphere, Thank you Remigiusz and Maciej.
Few of people said something that ‘made my day’. I really felt fulfilled, and it is really nice feeling when you know that your work helps others. Even if it would be 1 person on a hundred, it would be still worth doing it.
Many thanks for your presence at the PLVMUG meeting!
I will post examples that were shown during the session shortly. Video from the session will be available soon as well.
All photos are taken from blog.inleo.pl
Full review from organizers can be found here: http://blog.inleo.pl/?p=1554

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