Where is my ADVANCED OPTIONS button!!!!!

by Grzegorz Kulikowski

So… i was surprised today when i wanted to change the advanced HA settings on my cluster and i could not find the advanced options button in cluster HA section.

Looks funny huh ? Yeah, it is kinda funny, no button for me … But i saw after quick google search, that there are more people who have the same issues. I tried to do workarounds with screen resolution , but that did not help.. After an hour or so i found out that if you will change the font size option in windows by going to

Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Display

and changing the””Make text or other items smaller / bigger”, select smaller – 100% . reboot windows. It worked for me.

I hope i saved you a lot of time 😉


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Basem July 2, 2013 - 12:17 pm

Thank you .. thank you a lot .. you saved the day ^_^

psvmware July 2, 2013 - 3:13 pm

Glad it helped 😉


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