Quicky: amend file in the UI VM : /etc/sysconfig/network/config look for : NETCONFIG_DNS_STATIC_SEARCHLIST variable
esxiPowerCLIvmwarevsphere api
Issues with vmmonitoring in HA clusters while using vsphere client 5.0.0 build 455964, vm monitoring with vmware tools down will not restart failed vm
I wanted to share with everybody this ‘news’. While trying to create vm monitoring within HA cluster using vm monitoring only…
Change vnic type from / to e1000, Flexible, Vmxnet, EnhancedVmxnet, and Vmxnet3, and Unknown with Set-NetworkAdapter. UPDATED!
What if you noticed that your vms are running on wrong network card type ? Let’s say you want e1000 instead…
esxiPowershellvm reportingvmware
Locate vms that are in particular cluster and are using particular datastore in powercli
A quick one :Trying to find which vms are residing on datastore :”datastore_name” and are located in cluster “your_cluster” It’s easier…
esxivm reportingvmwarevsphere api
Report for all vms regarding uuid,network card, macaddress, ipaddress, network card type e1000/vmxnet in a csv ;)
Right, i wanted to see all vms, with their current ips, macaddresses, names, networkcard types. This report should also have all…
PowerCLIvm reportingvmwarevsphere api
Searching for cdrom devices with Emulate Ide or Passthrough IDE mode in powercli
Right, so we want to find all vms that have their cdrom device set to Emulate Ide mode. [sourcecode language=”powershell”] $vms=get-view…
I have noticed some day that issue like on screenshot below is not going to the Alert tab. 99% that some…
Recently i wrote a function to check in which vm folder particular vm resides. I thought i could share it 😉…
This will be very quick and short one 😉 We can easily create a role within our VC using the new-virole…
Now, i know that there are some examples in internet about this but they were not working for me for some…
Powershellvm reportingvmwarevsphere api
Finding vms with vmware tools that need to be upgraded. vmware tools status and version
Right, this is not some rocket science here but still i thought some people may be looking for that. [sourcecode language=”powershell”]…
Situation : Your portgroup names doesn’t make any sense, and it’s not easy to tell tell vlan id from the name.…