normally we should be able to install plugin from netapp for NFS VAAI support using the VSC console. I managed to do it for some hosts, then i started to update my hosts to latest build and from this moment i could no longer install the nfs vaai plugin for hosts using vsc. All hosts were updated to VMware ESXi 5.0.0 build-914586. Update manager could not help, vsc could not help… What helped :
1) download from netapp website the zip bundle
2) put it directly to host for example
3) using esxcli install it, so ssh to your esxi host
cd /vmfs/volumes/your_datastore_where_the_zip_is
/vmfs/volumes/2d1303c2-270be8c4 # esxcli software vib install -d file://$PWD/NetAppNasPlugin.v18.zip
Installation Result
Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
Reboot Required: true
VIBs Installed: NetApp_bootbank_NetAppNasPlugin_1.0-018
VIBs Removed:
VIBs Skipped:
4) Reboot host
5) Let’s party !!! vaai is now [ON] 🙂
You can then check if everything is correct
1) esxcli software vib list -> check for netapp part
2) vmkfstools -Ph /vmfs/volumes/your_datastore -> check for : “NAS VAAI Supported: YES”
3) check in vSphere client -> configuration/storage if this datastore has now Supported value in Hardware acceleration
4) After installation you should see file in here on your esxi host:
After host reboot you should see file in here on your esxi host:
When troubleshooting plugin installation using netapp vsc, you can check log : /var/log/esxupdate.log to see why in your case it is not installing it correctly
Awesome Post!!! I am running the exact same build of ESXi and was wondering why the VAAI Plugin was not installing. Thanks for your assistance. Worked Perfectly.
great post , Only Part that is not working is ” altbootbank/NetAppNa.v00″ I do not see this file. Also even though vmkfstools -Ph output shows vaai supported when i tried to do storage vmotion it still does not make any difference. I thought this suppose to offload the copy operation.
Viral patel
Hi there, do you see shorter time when deploying vm from template ? where: template is on the same datastore where there is destination for the vm ? Please check some post on netapp website how does that offload works. For example, it will work blazing fast if you deploy template from: DS01, and you deploy vm to DS01. But it will take more time if you will deploy it to DS02 from a template located od DS01.